Monday, January 11, 2010

Seam Splitting, Shut Yo Mouf!

Hi SSDivas! So I was looking online, nothing new right, when I came across a section on that appealed to me. Usually when I go to kwiksew I just look in the pattern section and navigate til I come to the pattern I had in mine. This time though, I was drawn to the unknown section of "Resources". In this section I found a good amount of articles, free and easily saved, in pdf format. One particular article called to me because of it's cruel and unusual name "Seam Splitting". Alright before you run for the hills it's nothing like it sounds. Simply put it's a method used to decrease the "bulge", their word not mine, where seams intersect. I myself right clicked and save that baby with the quickness. It has been added to my database of useful sewing knowledge. There are a bunch of great articles on their site. Check it out.

Until next time SSDivas,

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